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10 Best Medical Schools In Nigeria - Education - Nairaland

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10 Best Medical Schools In Nigeria by Ayindesegun10(m): 7:41pm On Aug 17, 2015
To qualify to practice as a medical doctor in
Nigeria, you have to attend a medical school.
However,there are so many medical schools in
Nigeria that it can become really difficult to
choose a very good one to attend.
It is very important to select a medical school
carefully. This is one of the most important
decisions you would ever make and it is very
important to do it with care, precision and
armed with the relevant facts and figures
because really, all medical schools are not
created equal.
To take care of the facts and figures aspect, we
have decided to provide you with detailed
information on the best medical schools in
Nigeria to help you make an informed decision.
Almost every university in Nigeria offers
medicine and surgery as an accredited course
but if you want to be able to compete with
your colleagues on the international scene and
be a very good doctor, these are the medical
schools that are likely to help you achieve that.
1. University of Ibadan
University of Ibadan has one of the largest
college hospitals in Nigeria. It is a popular
saying amongst Nigerians that if an ailment
cannot be treated or managed in UCH, then it
can’t be cured anywhere else in Nigeria.
In UCH, you would find a lot of medical cases
and ailments that you may never find anywhere
else in Nigeria. I guess you already know what
that does for your career as a medical doctor.
2. Obafemi Awolowo University
Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU, is another
very good place to study medicine in Nigeria
especially in the South-West. OAU also has a
very attractive college hospital with dozens of
medical cases and ailments.
3. Ahmadu Bello UniversityZaria
If you are in the North, then ABU is the best
place to study medicine in the Northern area
of Nigeria as no other medical school in
Northern Nigeria can compete with ABU in
terms of its facilities, structures, brilliance and
dedication of its lecturers.
4. University of Lagos (UNILAG)
As with others, UNILAG’s college of medicine is
divided into three faculties; The Faculty of
Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Clinical
Sciences and the Faculty of Dental Sciences.
UNILAG has been in existence since 1962 and
has turned out tens of thousands ofgraduates
over its 52 years of existence.
5. Lagos State University
Lagos State University (LASU) also has a very
impressive College of Medicine and a teaching
6. University Of Nigeria Nsukka
On the eastern end of Nigeria, we have the
University of Nigeria, Nsukka. UNN is a Federal
Government owned University and has a lot of
facilities for effective tutoring of its medical
7. University of Benin (UNIBEN)
This is another medical college that has been
in existence for several decades and has
earned its spot on the list of the best medical
colleges in Nigeria.
UNIBEN has turned out a good number of
medical doctors over the years most of whom
are doing impressively well in the medical
industry today.
8. University of Ilorin
UNILORIN has good facilities for studying
medicine. One attractive thing about studying
medicine in UNILORIN is the fact that it has a
fast paced educational system and doesn’t go
on strike like other government-owned
universities, making it possible to finish your
medical program in record time.
9. Delta State University
Delta State University is also one of the most
interesting schools to study medicine in
10. Niger Delta University
Although a relatively new college of medicine
compared to all the other schools on this list,
NDU has done well since its inception and has
proved that it can hold its own as one of the
best places to study medicine in Nigeria. Niger
Delta University is based in Bayelsa State.

Cc: Lalasticlala
Re: 10 Best Medical Schools In Nigeria by Ayindesegun10(m): 7:42pm On Aug 17, 2015
Cc: Richiez , Fynestboi , olawalebabs
Re: 10 Best Medical Schools In Nigeria by docphresh(m): 7:44pm On Aug 17, 2015
What's your criteria for this list?? Yous fact source.. how did you come to a conclusion on this ratings. is it webometrics or NUC Or NMA rating..
Re: 10 Best Medical Schools In Nigeria by docphresh(m): 7:44pm On Aug 17, 2015
Re: 10 Best Medical Schools In Nigeria by Ayindesegun10(m): 7:47pm On Aug 17, 2015
What's your criteria for this list?? Yous fact source.. how did you come to a conclusion on this ratings. is it webometrics or NUC Or NMA rating..
Please, the source is there, and it was done by some educational observers. Thank you
Re: 10 Best Medical Schools In Nigeria by Yustash001(m): 10:58pm On Aug 17, 2015
University of Ilorin...number 8?tell me you are kidding..
Re: 10 Best Medical Schools In Nigeria by Ayindesegun10(m): 5:01pm On Aug 18, 2015
University of Ilorin...number 8?tell me you are kidding..
Bro, It's in no particular order. Chill Bro .

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